Become a Reseller

… and boost your business


There are many benefits of becoming a reseller but ultimately it all boils down to increasing your profitability.

The main reasons why our resellers love to sell our product:

  • You can achieve high annual recurring turnover and commission.
  • You will directly invoice your client, so you can show the full turnover in your balance sheets.
  • We are not only paying a one time commission to you, you will benefit from your deals for the total contract time of your clients - that also includes contract extensions.
  • Our product is not just a bit better than our competitors, it is a real game changer.
  • You can sell a solution for a real problem of your clients and not just a product.
  • The installation will be done by Symflower in less than 1 hour at client side - you have to do nothing in this process.
  • The service and maintenance will be done by Symflower - you have to do nothing in this process.
  • No training is needed for clients - so you don’t have to block resources on your side.
  • Your prospects are fast sales cycles - the average sales cycle is between 3 weeks and 3 month.
  • It doesn’t matter if you are a big international cooperation or a smaller company, all worldwide partners are getting the same discounts.
  • Our reseller program is completely free of charge for you.

Become a reseller

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